Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

I’m Thankful For…..

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello readers! I know it’s been a while since my last post, and we all know that excuses are for the weak! Just kidding, well sort of… Life gets in the way of everything, especially the fun stuff!

Well anyways, it’s already the holiday season, and wouldn’t you know it, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. So I’d like to take a moment to just share some of the things that I’m thankful for this year.

What I’m Thankful For

  1. My family – Of course this is the top of my list. They’ve been here through everything this year for me. From my final year in college, to graduation, to the craziness of postgraduate life, it’s been a year of ups and downs, and I don’t know where I would be without them!
  2. My friends – This is, again, obvious. They’ve been there to see me through the craziness of the year, and I’m thankful for everyone that got to take these adventures with me!
  3. Today’s Literature: My Thoughts – Of course I’m thankful for my blog, and that means all of my followers and even my simple guests that just stop by to check things out every once in a while! You guys get to peek into my passion and many of you share my passion not only for reading, but also for the craft that is writing!
  4. My Blog Followers & Self-Published Connections – I do hate labeling you all as connections…. when you are truly my inspirations! This past year, I have networked with so many self-published authors that I have come to look up to. Authors such as Rebecca Berto and Cheryl McIntyre, and so many many more! I’ve been honored to read, review and share all the works you’ve shared with me! You are ALL inspirations to me, and as I move forward in my self-publishing career, I’d love to get some advice from you all!
  5. Scrivener – Yes, I know this may sound silly… But this year I took the plunge and purchased the program to help me begin really putting my ideas down on paper (virtually, so to speak). I haven’t gotten through a first full draft yet, but I’m making more progress then I ever have before! I think I’ve finally found my writing platform!
  6. My Job – While I only work (as of now) as a freelance news writer for the site, The Inquisitr, it is still a job I have come to love! I’ve gotten to learn so much about not only writing, but writing for a news source, along with different internet marketing techniques such as keywords and keyword placement… It absolutely blows my mind! For everyone who thinks a work at home writing position is a piece of cake… let me tell you. Now that I’ve gotten the experience after these past 6 months, I can tell you that it’s no walk in the park! And of course, I have to say a thank you to all of you out there who have not only been viewing my articles, but viewing my colleges articles! We all appreciate it very much!

Well… I know that is a short list, but those are the things that I am most thankful for this year! What are a few of the things that you are thankful for? Feel free to share them in the comments, or let me know via twitter or Facebook on the blogs page or my author page!

Wondering what you can look forward to in the month or so left of this year? Or even what’s in store for 2014? Well I can tell you this! I have at least 6 book reviews to write up and post before the end of December!

Then beginning in 2014, I’ll be starting my new novel brainchild (temporarily) entitled: Wreck Me! I’m really excited, and I can promise you all, I’ll be paying more attention to the blog, and all of you starting after the Thanksgiving Holidays!

Thanks for sticking around guys! And keep an eye out, I’ll be posting some very important questions on stuff I’m looking for some advice on regarding my first full novel!